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Asianet (Ch 139) and Asianet Movies HD (Ch 140) on Indian+
I’m new to Asianet and Asianet Movies HD. Which pass should I get to access these channels?
You can subscribe to Indian+ Pass to enjoy Asianet and Asianet Movies HD to catch the best of Tamil and Hindi entertainment. Plus, you will enjoy complimentary access to ZEE5 Premium.
Read more about Indian+ TV Pass here.
I am currently subscribed to the Basic Group with add-on Asianet. Can I continue to enjoy Asianet?
Yes, you can continue to enjoy Asianet and Asianet Movies HD. However, we recommend you to upgrade to TV+ with Indian+ TV Pass to enjoy a wider variety of channels.
I am currently subscribed to Nidhi Pack which consists of Asianet and Asianet Movies HD. Can I continue to enjoy Asianet and Asianet Movies HD?
Yes, you can continue to enjoy Asianet and Asianet Movies HD. However, we recommend you to upgrade to TV+ with Indian+ TV Pass to enjoy a wider variety of channels.
I am currently subscribed to Indian+ TV Pass. What should I do to access Asianet and Asianet Movies HD?
You’ll automatically be able to access Asianet and Asianet Movies HD from 21 May 2024 onwards. There’s no action needed from you.
Is Time-Shift available for Asianet and Asianet Movies HD?
Time-Shift is not available on both Asianet and Asianet Movies HD.
Where can I find the programme guide for Asianet and Asianet Movies HD?
You can find the programme guide at