Watch the Best Chinese Movies on CMGO!

Immerse yourself in the world of Chinese movies with CMGO! Get exclusive access to a curated collection of blockbusters from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia. With CMGO, you’ll have the latest Chinese films and CMGO Originals available anytime, anywhere!







Subscription Details:


  • Contract-free
  • Enjoy unlimited ad-free viewing of the latest and greatest collection of blockbusters, straight from cinema in their original audio, from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and South East Asia
  • Exclusive titles & never-before-seen movies
  • Catch original, uncut versions of the movies and enjoy them as intended
  • Stream on 3 devices concurrently
  • Download and watch anytime, anywhere

Steps to sign up for Existing StarHub Subscribers


Scan here with your mobile device:

  1. Select “TV” on the StarHub App home screen.
  2. Select your TV subscription if you have more than 1 TV subscription(s).
  3. Under “My passes & add-ons”, select the “Modify” button.
  4. Under “Modify TV Plan”, scroll down to “Add-on apps” and select “CMGO (Add-On).
  5. Select “Add” and click “Review add-on changes”.
  6. Review the subscription details and click “Submit”.
  7. You will receive an SMS once your subscription request is successfully activated. Follow the instructions to activate your subscription via CMGO.

For new TV+ subscribers

You can sign up for StarHub TV+ with any StarHub TV+ Pass and add-on CMGO to enjoy access to CMGO content.


  • Open to TV+ subscribers only.
  • CMGO is an add-on pack to your existing TV+ subscription.


CMGO Activation Guide


Upsize your entertainment with Add-On channels and apps!

StarHub TV+ Channel Listing

Channel information to help you get started.