A StarHub postpaid
Mobile+/4G mobile plan
Don't have a StarHub mobile plan? Shop for one now.
A compatible smartphone
You'll need a smartphone running on Android 6.0 or higher, RAM 1.5GB above.
A compatible cellular watch
Get the latest Samsung Galaxy wearables.

Step A
Before you subscribe to NumberShare, please turn on Bluetooth on your Galaxy Watch and pair it to your phone. You can refer to these instructions.
Once you’re done pairing, open the Galaxy Wearable App on your Samsung/Android phone.

Step B
Under watch settings, select "Mobile plans".

Step C
Click “Next” to set up NumberShare.

Step D
Select "Subscribe" to sign up for NumberShare and enter your NRIC to verify if you're the account holder of this mobile line.

Step E
You're almost there! Follow through the remaining steps to complete the setup. You will receive an SMS notification once your setup is complete.