WiFi technology has come a long way since the days of dial-up. Decades of research and development have allowed us to access the immense power of the Internet over our home networks — and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

But where does the term “WiFi 6” fit into the picture? What is it, and does it merely mean better WiFi speeds for everyday folks like us? Let’s find out.


WiFi 6: Next-Gen Connectivity for the Home

Much like Michelin Stars in the culinary world, “WiFi 6” functions as a benchmark or standard for wireless technologies and competencies.

Introduced back in 2019, WiFi 6 offers vastly enhanced speeds and better multi-device connectivity support than its predecessor, WiFi 5. This means that home networks optimised for WiFi 6 can not only accommodate more devices simultaneously but enjoy minimal lag and latency as well.


Here’s what having a WiFi 6 router at home can do for you:

  • Enhanced Speeds: WiFi 6 networks are built to support multi-gigabit speeds, making it ideal for activities that need high data transfer rates. This includes live streaming your favourite entertainment content, online gaming, and big file transfers.
  • Higher Capacity: WiFi 6 networks can handle more devices on the network at the same time. This means multiple users can enjoy high-speed connections simultaneously without impacting each other’s wireless experience.
  • Greater Range: WiFi 6 networks peak at 9.6 Gbps speeds, a vast improvement over WiFi 5’s 6.9 Gbps limit. This means they can transmit much more data — and at faster rates than ever before. The end result: wider signal ranges and more powerful signals — a perfect combination for today’s home network needs.


Mesh WiFi: The Ultimate WiFi 6 Experience

The best way to set up and enjoy WiFi 6 is to pair it with another cutting-edge technology that has revolutionized the home network space: Mesh WiFi. 

Basically, Mesh WiFi works by creating a “blanket” of WiFi coverage throughout your home or office using multiple strategically placed access points, or nodes. This eliminates WiFi “dead spots” where you might have previously experienced weak WiFi signals, or none at all.

Accordingly, mesh-enabled routers such as the Linksys Smart WiFi MX2 represent a big leap forward in network speeds and range and are poised to set the standard for home WiFi technology going forward.

  • More coverage throughout your home: Because Mesh WiFi relies on multiple router access points, rather than a single central router, you can enjoy consistent coverage in every corner of your home. The Mesh nodes work together to ensure a strong signal even in hard-to-reach areas, and if you need to accommodate more devices (or a larger space), you can simply add more nodes to yournetwork.
  • Easy setup and configuration: Using the free Linksys App, you can detect and set up new mesh nodes via Bluetooth. Configuring the network settings to suit your personal preferences and home layout is also a cinch
  • Better security: WiFi 6 Mesh routers protect your home in several ways. These include automatic software and firmware updates that keep your network up to date, as well as built-in security features like encryption and threat detection. Users can also create separate guest accounts on the network that are separated from your main network by firewall, ensuring important data stays safe and secure.

Mesh WiFi Routers Vs. Traditional Routers

Mesh WiFi gives your home or small-office network an immense boost when it comes to coverage, speed, and reliability.

Previously, weak WiFi signals could be improved by attaching a WiFi extender to a traditional router, a workaround that would amplify and rebroadcast the signal to help extend range and improve reception.

However, this method has two main drawbacks. Specifically, the extended network would usually suffer reduced overall performance due to signal loss — not to mention that the extender still had to be placed close to the main router to function properly.

But because Linksys Mesh WiFi 6 systems are immune to all of these drawbacks, they are truly an amazing solution to this problem. By using multiple nodes to boost coverage, users can enjoy vastly increased network speeds and connectivity. This means significantly better home network experiences, with no strings attached!


This article was brought to you in partnership with Linksys.

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