Getting your new business off the ground is unquestionably challenging. But starting on the wrong foot could spell failure before you even get the chance to settle in. Here are 4 tools every startup needs to evolve into a successful enterprise.
Maximise your website efficiency by tracking which parts of your site consumers are drawn to and which parts garner the least interest. Affordable website tools like Crazy Egg generate heatmaps that highlight your page click rate and popularity by referral sources. By understanding what advertising and which parts of your site are most effective, you have the knowledge and tools to craft a user-friendly website that generates more revenue.

The right solutions can determine the quality of your work, with intelligent software created to facilitate productivity and reduce time taken on each project. Microsoft’s Office365 is undeniably top tier in this respect. Countless business, from startups to MNCs depend on this essential software. It does everything from keeping track of finances on excel sheets to crafting sophisticated, compelling presentations on PowerPoint.
Although it usually comes at a hefty upfront price you can acquire it for a low monthly fee with StarHub’s productivity solution promotions.

It is not uncommon for SMEs to start off with a low pool of funds. Staying on top of the latest government-backed initiatives created to help solve this problem is a quick way to get your business financially on track.
The SPRING government website is a reliable source of business funding options. It connects your business to everything from the ACE startup grant to investment opportunities with the Business Angel scheme.

Apart from the regular processes of hiring new staff and managing existing employees, consider adding motivational practices to keep team morale and work quality high. Celebrate each milestone with a casual company lunch or create a simple Google Document for your team to stay informed of your project’s newest developments.
When it comes to the more predictable aspects of HRM like processing staff attendance and drawing up mandatory pay slips every month, consider automating. StarHub has a host of HRM solutions, such as the payslip generating StarHub’s ePayroll to help you stay on top of company and government regulations with ease.
These tools combine the basics for any successful business—brand establishment, workplace productivity, staff management and finance. StarHub combines all the crux essentials in one comprehensive Business Starter Kit. The kit offers startups their own web domain with Webnic, productivity tools with Microsoft Office365, a highly efficient payroll solution and a very exclusive Business Mobile deal. To find out more about the Business starter Kit promotions, get in touch with us at 1800 888 8888.
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