7 Reasons Why Microsoft 365
Backup is Critical

Do you have control of your Office 365 data? Do you have access to all the items you need? The knee-jerk reaction is typically, "Of course I do," or "Microsoft takes care of it all." 

But if you really think about it - are you sure? 

Microsoft takes care of quite a bit. and provides a great service for their customers. However, Microsoft's primary focus is on managing the Office 365 infrastructure and maintaining uptime to your users. 

Backup Strategy for Microsoft Office 365 is Essential for Security, Compliance, and Business Continuity.

This 5-minute, easy-to-read document explains why organizations need to protect Microsoft 365 data. This report covers:

  • The Big Office 365 Misconception
  • Understanding between Microsoft’s 365 responsibility and the IT organization’s responsibility
  • 7 reasons why backing up Microsoft 365 is critical
  • Who is in control of Microsoft 365 data


Download the report now!

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