Retail, Financial Services, Government, Market Research – we can tailor StarHub telco data analytics to the unique intelligence requirements of your enterprise. Gathering high-definition, insightful profiles of your customers that evolve with shifting trends.
Marketing, operations, strategy, product – Analysing 360 views of your data is an all-round win for your business.

Smarter insights for smarter initiatives
StarHub's rich, fresh consumer insights inspire innovative marketing campaigns, and better informed business decisions.
For example, where surfing patterns show increasing interest in a newly released movie, amongst males aged 22-35 – you can respond with a marketing campaign mimicking the film’s theme, fuelling interest from the target segment.
Talk to us about scaling analytics to meet your retail business requirements:
Develop precise and personalised programmes through fresh target audience insights.
Reduce cost and optimise profit by enhancing your outlet planning using site-specific data.
Product Development
Get the edge on competitors by identifying and predicting products that resonate with your target audience.
Business Strategy & Analysis
Make the intelligent choice by gaining unique insights translated from big data.

Optimise branch planning and marketing
With highly accurate geo-location capabilities, StarHub helps you to identify optimal locations for new branch outlets based on criteria including footfall, work catchment and home catchment.
For example, you identify the average age of Sengkang residents as being lower than those of Bedok. Together with data on footfall – you can pinpoint the ideal site for a youth banking branch in Sengkang.
Talk to us about scaling analytics to meet your financial services business requirements:
Identify optimal locations for new branch outlets using highly accurate geo-location capabilities.
Tailor offerings by observing purchase patterns, website visits, brand preferences and more.
Segment consumers according to their preferences and analyse consumer online journeys to create more effective marketing campaigns.

Intelligent insights for a Smart Nation
As Singapore works towards its vision of a Smart Nation, leading the world in the use of big data and analytics to improve people’s lives – StarHub analytics is ideally placed to work alongside government agencies. With fresh, high-definition consumer insights to inspire solutions to ongoing challenges.
Talk to us about scaling analytics to meet your requirements:
Situational Awareness
Use near-real time transport and residential insights to help respond to planned or emergency events.
National event planning
Predict crowd movement patterns and plan resources for major events with powerful geo-location tools.
Transport & urban planning
Observe crowd density and travel patterns to better understand infrastructure requirements and planning priorities.

Insight – tap into our huge data pool
StarHub insights are derived from millions of data points – providing great opportunities to slice and dice data according to your business needs, and those of your clients. Plus, we go beyond quantifiable data, adding greater depth of perception through qualitative insights gained through our targeted survey panel.
For example, your client is going to market with a new toothpaste for children. You identify areas with similar profiles to Vivo City – which has a high concentration of families – for outdoor media assets, as part of the launch campaign. Targeted at families in the area, our survey panel provides your client with qualitative data – helping them to gain a greater understanding of consumers’ impressions of the outdoor media assets.
Talk to us about scaling analytics to meet your market research business requirements:
Boost your campaign intelligence by segmenting consumers according to preferences and analyzing their online journeys.
Gain powerful insights from inside homes to out on the streets, with geo-location data, online behaviour and more.
Obtain deeper brand insights from consumers by targeting survey panelists who fulfill the criteria.
Enrich your clients’ data and add value to product development with quantitative data on mobile usage, TV viewing, surfing patterns and commuting. distances – as well as qualitative data from targeted survey panel responses.
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