Think of the last time you scrutinised your office phone bill. Many businesses stop reviewing their office phone bills after they sign up with the service provider. They rarely pay attention to their office phone bills unless they receive a bill shock.
This means they may not know if they are paying unnecessarily for resources that they do not require or that there are better options in the market. SmartSIP is one such better option.
Consider an office with 50 employees. When 25% of them make phone calls at the same time, the business will need 13 channels instead of buying 50 phone lines for each employee. A channel represents a conversation. Under ISDN deployment, businesses either have to take up 10 channels or 30 channels. For your 13 channel, you have to sign up for an ISDN 30 solution, which is more than double the capacity of what you actually need.
This is not the case with SmartSIP. Starting from a basic of 10 channels, businesses can scale up in blocks of 5 channels. This means that the business will only require to purchase a basic 10 channels and an additional block of 5 channels. This saves almost 50%.
In addition to cost savings, businesses can expect to be ready for future expansion as they scale and refresh their existing TDM PBX with newer IP PBX as SmartSIP works with both.
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