Cybersecurity is for everyone
Technology has been a great help for enterprises and individuals. In the race to employ technology to its fullest potential, many business leaders under-estimate the severity of cyber threats. Cyber security is not just an activity which large enterprises need to adopt. It is important for sound security best practices to be put in place right from the beginning so that sensitive information and sometimes, critical information, will not be compromised by cyber criminals.
Tips for better Cybersecurity
Improving cyber security need not be a tedious exercise. In fact, some simple steps which any business can adopt will go a long way towards improving cyber security. The following are some tips you can adopt for your business:
#1 Cybersecurity training
As the common adage goes, people are often the weakest link in the security chain. Everyone in the company needs to be aware of cyber security best practices. Also, these ought to be communicated regularly to that it is fresh on everyone’s mind. A company-wide security policy is useless if the people are not following it strictly. Simple best practices like password policies, internet usage guidelines and social media policies should be clearly spelt out. Also, be totally upfront about the penalties if these rules are broken.
#2 Basic protection for devices
Many businesses purchase their devices from multiple sources and maybe even be still using dated ones. Whatever the case, it is important to have proper protection for each device. Simple tasks like keeping the operating systems and applications updated with the latest patches, and installing anti-malware software are a great start.
#3 BYOD Policies
More and more employees are bringing their own device to work. While many companies see this Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend as a positive one, it is important to note that such devices pose a security threat. As these devices access the internet through the company’s network, the company need to ensure that these devices are protected<>. Imagine a misplaced phone or tablet which has access to the company’s network is picked up by a malicious criminal. Outlining a clear policy will help protect the company from such incidents.
#4 Backup and Recovery
Even in the best case scenario, a company might still fall victim to a cyber crime. All important data and applications should be backed up. A recovery plan should be in place so that even a successful attack will not affect the business too badly. Being able to quickly restore all critical office software to enable the business to continue running is critical. Does your company have a robust backup and recovery process in place?
#5 Outsource Your Security
Both large enterprises and small companies struggle to come up with comprehensive security measures. In fact, one of the best ways of ensuring you have a professional and robust cyber security plan in place is to outsource the security operations. This could be either completely outsourced or in hybrid model. An outsourced solutions provider can provide a 24 x 7 security monitoring service, and come with fully trained personnel for security and compliance. These experts can better keep up with the fast moving threat landscape and help you to defend your company better.
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