Whether you are travelling on business or for pleasure, the reality in today's world is that your work will go with you on the road. This could be in the form of your laptop, a tablet or even as simple as your smart phone. Most organisations for strict security policies govern the use of internet, WiFi connectivity and mobile devices and these policies are more challenging to implement when you are travelling.
Staying safe on the road means making sure that your cyber security best practices remain with you. Logging into your company's VPN before accessing sensitive information is one such good practice. Here are some simple tips that can ensure you have good security on the road.
Before you decide on bringing every device with you on the road, think about what you are realistically going to be doing. The best security for your critical workplace laptop would be to simply not bring it along for the road trip. It can be safely locked away in your office if you do not need it on the road. Think about what you can realistically do while on the road. Bring only the necessary devices.
Sometimes, the simplest ways are the best ways. Always keep an eye on your devices. Never leave your laptop unattended if you are sitting at a café or restaurant. Even leaving your smart phone exposed on the table while you are chatting can create a tempting target. Keep your devices out of sight whenever possible.
Also, when you leave your hotel room, make sure that you either have your devices with you, or they are securely locked away, either in the room safe or in your luggage.
Many cafés and restaurants today provide free WiFi. However, it pays to be alert before you connect. Scammers and hackers can setup WiFi with seemingly legitimate names for example: Airport Terminal WiFi or some official sounding names. Also check with official sources before connecting.
If your company provides VPN, it is highly advisable to diligently connect to the VPN. This will add another layer of security when you are connected to pubic WiFi networks. Other simple method of ensuring a more secure surfing experience would be to make sure the website you are visiting uses HTTPS and has a valid certificate.
Alternatively do consider bringing your own “hotspot” if you need WiFi connection. For example, StarHub provides many options like postpaid roaming, daily roaming plans and managed endpoint security for your convenience.
Finally, enjoy your road trip, but remember to keep cyber security at the top of your mind, especially when you are accessing sensitive company information.
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