Your international network is not just about connecting and communicating. It is about how your business get an advantage from building your network your way to be more agile and future-ready. Time to think differently about your International Network.

Global VPN
Connect internationally with StarHub’s fully managed, secure, and high-performance Global VPN.

Global Internet
Global Internet provides your International offices with business-grade Internet services, under single management and single invoice.

Achieve greater scalability with a private, secure and reliable point-to-point connectivity on a dedicated fully fibre-optical network.

Dedicated point-to-point network to securely connect your overseas operations across Asia, Australia, Europe and US.

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Hyperscale Data Centre
Meeting today's highly digitalised world with high energy efficiency and scalability facilities for data centre services.

Business Connectivity
Experience the most powerful and reliable digital business solutions in the market today.

Local Connectivity
Connect your multiple office locations with direct connectivity islandwide with 2Mbps - 100Gbps.