The first solution with in-app protection and centralised threat visibility


“Modern application architectures such as mobile move software logic to the front end, and place sensitive data on the devices. These architectures expose functionality that, unless shielded, can lead to attacks such as data leakage on the app or its back end, and fraudulent use or compromise of the user’s device application functionality.”

- Gartner’s “Application Security Hype Cycle 2023” Report (published 24 July 2023; Dionisio Zumerle)

Enterprises face the challenge of working with a highly fragmented array of point solutions that offer limited visibility into real-world risks, threats, and attacks.

With integrated layers of security embedded within the app’s code, StarHub Mobile App Protection Suite (MAPS) provides a streamlined defence against evolving mobile application attacks. In addition, its centralised management dashboard enables real-time threat visibility for timely remediation without an app update.

Centralised Threat & Risk Visibility
Manage your mobile app security all on a single integrated platform
Enable Comprehensive Protection
Safeguard against the latest threats with machine learning
Ensure Internal & External Compliance
Stay abreast of mobile security regulations and compliance standards
Scale Easily According to Your Needs
Pay only for what you need with our user subscription model
Ease of Management with Over-the-air Updates
Keep up-to-date on the latest security patches without the need for app updates
Build Trust with Privacy-first Design
Protect user privacy by prioritising user consent and control over personal information

Streamline mobile app security on a single integrated platform from development through to run-time

Embrace The Future of Work with StarHub Digital Workplace

An end-to-end mobile management and dedicated expertise team to meet ongoing business needs.

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Enterprise Managed Mobility

Mobilise your workforce, enable secured connectivity and corporate data access.

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