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Frequently Asked Questions - Queue-It


  1. I clicked on the “book my phone” button from my booking invitation email and saw estimated waiting time screen, what is this?

    This is a virtual queue system for the Iconic handset Pre-order Booking. The booking portal is currently experiencing high traffic. You will be redirected to the booking portal once there is available slots for booking. 

  2. What happen if I close/refresh the virtual queue screen?

    We do not recommend closing/refreshing the screen as the screen will auto-refresh itself in a few seconds. Your wait time will be updated with the auto-refresh function. Please do stay on the screen so that you can be redirected to the booking portal once there are available slots. 

  3. Am I guaranteed a handset once I am in the virtual queue?

    There will be no guarantee of any booking of handset. The handsets are on a first come, first serve basis. The booking will only be guaranteed upon payment of the handset through the booking portal.

  4. The estimated waiting time is longer than my booking slot, am I guaranteed a slot to book?

    If your estimated waiting time is longer than your booking slot, you might not be able to enter the booking portal. The booking portal queue is based on a first come, first serve basis, while stocks last.